Thursday, January 22, 2015

Law of Attraction VS Depression

Thoughts become things. Energy flows where attention goes... The Law of Attraction. Not familiar? Watch this... 

Call me a tree-huger if you will, but I'm a believer. I believe that we attract things into our life as a direct result of our mindset. I believe that if you put thoughts out into the Universe, then the Universe will provide for you accordingly. Perhaps not always exactly what you ask for, but it will be what you're destined for. The energy you put out into the world will come back to you. It's about your actions being driven by your thoughts and beliefs - even the subconscious ones! 

This is a philosophy I've had since a co-worker (or maybe it was Oprah) first introduced me to the film The Secret in 2007. But when I really think about it, seeing this philosophy explained in The Secret was like seeing this unspoken wisdom I had gained by watching The Wizard of Oz hundreds of times as a kid crystallized in front of me. Remember Glinda the Good Witch's line to Dorothy right before she sends her home to Kansas? "You've always had the power". In a way, it is the ultimate responsibility. I am responsible for all the results in my life. 

Be grateful for what is --> Ask for what you want --> Believe it will happen. See it happen --> Take action --> Receive --> Be grateful for what is. 

Or here's a non "Woo-Woo" version of how thoughts become things...


All this is very easy to swallow - even tasty! - while I'm in a healthy place. However, when I'm in depression (not just "feeling depressed" but in an unstable mental state) it is a very hard pill to take. 

Last July, when I was at my sickest, a series of questions occurred to me (in a rare moment of clarity). If I am truly manifesting things in my life based on my thoughts and mindset, then what is happening as a result of my depression? Given the lack of control I have over my thoughts as a result of the depression, does the Universe know this and does it make allowances for it? 

Even when I was sick, I would do my best to put positive thoughts into my mind, but I found the dark voice of depression was infinitely louder. I started paying attention to what I was attracting into my life as a result of these negative thoughts and while I can't be 100% certain, I don't think I noticed any additional (aside from the depression itself) negative affects in my life. I 


Six months on from this experience, I still don't know the answer to these questions. But I know what I like to believe... That the Universe is infinitely wise and compassionate, and it knew that the negativity being put out from my mind wasn't intentional. And, as always, it gave me exactly what I needed and I'm grateful to be alive. 

Change your beliefs. Change your life. 
Change your life. Change the world. 

Love always. 
Jas xo

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