Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What I learned from reading "The Ultramind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First"

No, it's not a book about becoming an expert at mind control (bummer, I know) it's the best resource I've found on an integrative/functional based approach to mental health. Written by a medical doctor who, after his own struggle with depression, now practices functional medicine. (WTF is Functional Medicine??? It's the practice of medicine where underlying causes for symptoms and issues are addressed, along with treating the symptoms themselves.)

I would highly recommend this book to anyone, but ESPECIALLY those who deal with mental health issues like depression and anxiety, even memory deterioration. My friend who recommended the book was using it to learn ways to optimize his already healthy body and brain function.

The book highlights how our body function, what we eat and ingest, either through diet or through the environment, directly - and often significantly - affects the function of our brain and therefore mental health.

As a result of what I learned from the book I've started including a few more supplements into my existing routine. I already take a Multi Vitamin, Vit B Complex and a probiotic. I've added Magnesium, an Omega oil blend and Vitamin D.

One of the major takeaways for me was how much of an impact toxins can have on our health. Did you know that less than 1% of the chemicals in use today have been tested for safety?!?! Have we learned nothing from mercury or asbestos?? I have a mouth full of amalgam fillings, some of which have been there over 20 years! There is a good chance that these fillings are leaking mercury into my system. This is a highly alarming fact and one I'm looking to address ASAP.

Lastly, it's worth stressing the importance that Dr Hyman puts on exercise and relaxation. The role stress plays in mental health is proven, widely known and accepted yet so many of us don't know how to healthily manage it. Stress and stress management really deserves it's own post, so I think I'll save that one for another day.

Here is The Ultramind Solution on Amazon. And Dr Hyman's website.

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