Monday, June 23, 2014

A Healthy Distraction

Two nights ago I sat down to write about my "diagnosis" and what it means to me. But I was having trouble concentrating. Some other truth was demanding attention in that moment, so I wrote about that instead...


Sometimes it just comes out of nowhere.

Like today. Seemingly for no reason I start to withdraw. The inner voice that has me compare myself to others starts up. That thing that has me push people away and become excruciatingly self-conscious.

I sense it coming and I do my best to be bigger than it. I tell myself something positive, repeating all the positive affirmations I’ve practiced and embodied on my “healthy days”.

And then the emotions start coming up. The reactiveness. Things I would never normally say start coming out of my mouth.

And I watch these things happen. I watch it happen as if I was an innocent, dumbfounded bystander. It feels out-of-body. I see the words float out my mouth and 2 seconds later they’re in the air and no amount of grabbing at them can take them back.

When I’m clear minded (my terminology for when I’m not in a depressive state) I often say to AJ that these depressive states feel like the “real me” is trapped inside this sad and angry beast. I ask him to talk to me - the real me - who’s deep inside somewhere... But all that comes out is angry, or nasty, or horribly self degrading talk. My Edward Hyde.

Even as a write, I’m tearing up. I’m scared and I feel very alone.

Today for the first time I reached out to people as I felt it coming on. After trying about 3 people who weren’t around I gave up and decided to play Candy Crush instead. Maybe distraction would work.

One of the homework exercises my therapist gave me was to keep a log of anytime I experiences an “emotion that rated higher than 3/10”... So if I’m feeling sad and it feels bigger than a 3 out of 10 then I need to record what it was that triggered it. Sometimes these triggers are obvious - something someone says or does. But sometimes, like today, I can’t come up with anything. The tears, the sadness, the anger, the jealousy; they come out of nowhere. And I start to drown in them.

I need to break it’s momentum. I need a distraction, a healthy one.


On this particular Saturday night I chose to put my energy into colouring in. Yes, as in colour pencils and reliving those long-gone kindergarten days. I bought a new coloring book last week. One with crazy "Art Nouveau" animal pictures. Colouring in is one of my favorite things to do. I find it really meditative and relaxing.

Rooster & Chicken: my healthy distraction de jour.


  1. you colored in the chickies and flowers so beautifully! i hope you learn to recognize and live with your disorder. my bf is bipolar, and has learned how to manage his mood swings so that it doesn't wreck his life, so it can be done! :) remember, you're beautiful and talented, and i feel lucky that i got to meet and learn from you. good luck with your blog! <3

    1. Thanks, Janice! I hope all is wonderful with you :) - Apologies for the delay, I'm just seeing these comments!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that's so funny. I used to draw with crayon too during my time with mental disorder :) These pictures are pretty cool, art nouveau chickens, gotta like.

  4. I am curious if you have ever looked into Truehope for depression?
